We have 3 programs coming up this month. To register for programs, stop by the 2nd Floor Information Desk, or email (reference@elmhurst.org), or call (630-279-8696). You will need to give us your Elmhurst Public Library card number.
Triathlons and Marathons - Xtreme Athlete!Wednesday, July 16 • 7 p.m. • Meeting Room 2
Triathlon: A 2.4 mile swim, followed by a 112 mile bike ride, then a marathon (26.2 mile run). Come and hear three-time Ironman triathlon finisher and marathon runner Marianne Fidishin. She will discuss how her lifelong love of fitness led her to these challenges. You will find out what it’s like to train and participate in these endurance events.
Xtreme Biking!Thursday, July 24 • 7 p.m. • Meeting Room 1
Have you ever thought about biking across the country? Find out what it’s like to make a 3,163 mile bike trip over 51 days through eight states. Join York High School alumni David (Class of 2006) and Matthew (Class of 2004) Montgomery as they tell us about their bike trip from Elmhurst to Seattle, Washington, in the summer of 2006. Their accommodations were old school—a tent and sleeping bags -- but their documenting of the trip was strictly 21st century--blogging as they traveled.
Click here for their blog.Naturally ArtsyWednesday, July 30 • 2-4 p.m. • Elmhurst Art Museum
Take part in a workshop at the Elmhurst Art Museum which explores how nature can be used to inspire and create art. Learn how to use natural products to make your own paper. Also, create an interesting collage using the natural resources around the Museum. This workshop will give you the opportunity to learn how professional artists have used nature in their work and see what your peers are creating with what nature has given them! Co-sponsored with the Elmhurst Art Museum.
Maximum: 20 teens.