Saturday, December 22, 2012

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Tues., Dec. 18 - Study for Finals Schedule

This is the last night with teachers!
5:00 - 9:00pm
Biology / Chemistry - Ms. Ewald
French - Ms. DuBois
Math - Ms. Lahti and Ms. Weed
Physics - Mr. Paschke
Italian - 5-7:00pm only - Ms. Manfredini-Verrilli

Tomorrow - Wed., Dec. 19th is Group Study Only in the Meeting Rooms - 4:00 - 9:00pm
No Teachers.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Monday, Dec. 17 - Study for Finals Schedule

Meeting Rooms open @ 4:00pm

Teachers from 5 - 9:00pm
Biology - Ms. O'Connor
Physics - Mr. Brown
Math - Mr. Nolan and Ms. Stien
Social Studies - Mr. Rubio
Italian - 5-7:00pm only - Ms. Manfredini-Verrilli

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Sunday Study for Finals Schedule

1:00 - 5:00pm
Math - Ms. Mehilos and Ms. Stipe
Spanish - Ms. Westerberg
Italian - 1-3pm: Ms. Cesario, and
             3-5pm: Ms Manfredini-Verrilli

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Teachers Here Today Until 5pm

Biology - Ms. Zentner
Chemistry - Mr. Drach
Math - Mr. Hall
Social Studies - Mr. Dowdy
Spanish - Ms. Kassir

Friday, December 14, 2012

Saturday Study for Finals Schedule

Saturday, Dec. 15
9am-1pm - Open Group Study - No Teachers
1pm - 5pm - Teachers in Biology, Chemistry, Math, Social Studies and Spanish

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

New Books in the Teen Area!

Double crossings, kidnappings, CIA agents, arms dealers, boat chases in Venetian canals, and a shoot out in the middle of a Santa Claus convention ensue in this laugh out-loud action packed sequel to the critically acclaimed Au Revoir Crazy European Chick.  Complete list is here.

York HS was on the Channel 7 News Yesterday!

Helping out with the Spirit of Giving Food Drive. Roz Varon is at York starting at the 2:03 mark.